I often fall prey to reddit curated lists. You're not alone in loving all the suggestions. I need to add all of these to my reading list. <3

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SMALL GODS sounds really interesting. How important is DISKWORLD to being able to read this?

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This applies to most, if not all, Discworld novels; they are all standalone pieces which are set in the same world. Will you miss a lot of cross novel references if you start with Small Gods first, you bet. But will the overall experience still be very enjoyable, you bet.

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Awesome! I'll have to keep that in mind. This sounds like a great read. Any specific books I should start with to get into Pratchett or is SMALL GOODS a fine place to begin?

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I'll recommend Equal Rites(precursor to Wyrd Sisters) or Wyrd Sisters(on the list). They are lighter and a perfect welcome into the Discworld universe.

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